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Equipment Status Grid

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The Equipment Status Grid view displays a variety of information in a table format. Each of the columns can be shown or hidden allowing the table to be configured based on the data being collected. When displaying the result the statuses can be shown for individual equipment or by the selected group type.

Configuration Options

The Equipment section is used to select the equipment that will be displayed in the View. The Include All Equipment check box can be used to automatically add new equipment to the customized RTV screen.

The Status Filter section is used to determine which statuses will be displayed. For example, if only Unknown Downtime is selected then the grid will be blank unless equipment is in an unknown downtime. This allows for the creation of views that can be used for certain functions, such as placing an RTV screen in the maintenance department. The Include All Statuses check box can be used to automatically add new equipment statuses that are added to the RTV screen.

The Columns section is used to specify which columns should be shown and which should be hidden. The order of each column can be specified by highlighting a column name and using the up and down arrows. A large number of columns are enabled by default which may not display ideally in most circumstances, so removing some columns is recommended.

The grid contains the following columns:

  • General Status Color: A square that displays the General Status color. The Row Highlighting option can set this as the background color for other fields in the row.
  • Specific Status Color: A square that displays the Specific Status color. The Row Highlighting option can set this as the background color for other fields in the row.
  • General Status: The description of the General Status.
  • Specific Status: The description of the Specific Status.
  • Equipment: The Equipment name.
  • General Duration: The amount of time the equipment has been in the General Status.
  • Specific Duration: The amount of time the equipment has been in the Specific Status.
  • Program Number: The current active program number reported by the equipment.
  • Part Number: The part number that is currently active on the equipment.
  • Good Part Count: The number of good parts recorded since the beginning of the Part Settings Reset Interval.
  • Scrap Part Count: The scrap parts that are recorded within the DataXchange database.
  • Equipment Status Notes: Notes that have been entered on the ODI screen.
  • User Name: User name of operator logged in.
  • Scrap Notes: Operator notes left when a part or parts are scrapped.
  • Parts Per Hour (PPH): Uses ideal times to calculate the expected parts that should be made within the hour.
  • Parts Per Hour Plan: The amount of parts that should have been made already based on the ideal time, the current time, and the start time for this calculation. 
  • Parts Per Hour %: The percentage of Parts Per Hour Actual to Parts Per Hour Plan.
  • Parts Per Hour Actual: The current parts made since the start time.
  • Work Order Number: Displays the current active Work Order number.
  • Connectivity: This is used to show the current communication health of the Machine, DataXchange Service and Commands.
  • Ideal Setup Time: Ideal Setup will be for the equipment/part combination if it exists, or just the equipment as entered on the Metrics Definition page.
  • Actual Setup Time: The actual setup time will be the amount of downtime that has occurred based on the downtimes marked as Setup Times on the Metrics Definitions page. This will look at setup times for the past 48 hours or for the duration of the active work order, whichever is shorter.
  • Equipment Description: Description of the equipment as defined under Manage → Equipment.
  • Utilization %: Percentage of time the equipment is in use.
  • Connect Time: The length of time the equipment is connected or in a certain status.
  • Custom Variables: Display custom variables that have been defined by the user. A value and a color will be displayed if stored in the custom variable.

The Sorting section will allow you to sort equipment by Equipment Name, Status or Status Duration.

  • Sorting by Equipment name will sort the current list of equipment alphabetically.
  • When sorting by Status you can prioritize the statuses of your choice by using the arrow keys to raise and lower them within the list. Additionally, equipment in the same status can be sorted by Equipment Name or Status Duration.
  • When sorting by Duration you can choose whether to sort Ascending or Descending.

The Settings section allows configuration of various options:

  • Font Size determines the size of the text in the grid.
  • The Legend is used to show or hide the legend. The legend indicates which status is represented by which color.
  • The Row Highlighting has three options: NoneGeneral Color, and Specific Color. The General and Specific Color options will fill the full row with the associated color of the status. When Fill is selected the overall brightness/darkness of the background color is calculated to determine whether the text should be displayed in white or black.

The Part Settings section allows configuration of options related to part counting:

  • The Reset Interval is used to determine the start and stop times for selecting the data for the chart.
    • Rolling will always count from the last X amount of hours.
    • Set Interval will have a start time and then reset every X amount of hours from the specified start time.
    • Current Shift will use the start time of the current shift.
  • Part Counter options include:
    • Reset with Part Change: Part counts will reset when a new part number is started and based on the Reset Interval above.
    • Do Not Reset with Part Change: Part counts will only reset based on the Reset Interval above.
    • Reset with Most Recent W.O. start: If a work order is active, the part count will start from that time. If no work order is active, this behaves the same as Reset with Part Change.

The User Settings section allows configuration of how a user is displayed either by User Name, a combination of First and Last Name, or all three.

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