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Schedule Planned Downtime

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The Scheduling Planned Downtime function will allow the ability to schedule a one time PLANNED downtime for equipment in the future.

*Please keep in mind that this function is not meant for daily recurring tasks or per shift use. Scheduled Planned Downtime is intended to be used for scenarios such as scheduled maintenance, holidays, etc.

The Schedule Planned Downtime form can be accessed from the Manage tab → Equipment Status → Schedule Planned Downtime drop down.

Once you have navigated to the Scheduled Downtime screen, you can begin to schedule the planned downtime.

The Add button will allow you to create a Scheduled Planned Downtime for specific start and end dates and times.

A brief description of the Downtime can be entered in the Description field.

The Planned Downtime drop down will allow you to choose the specific downtime reason being scheduled.

For more information on how to add or modify planned downtime reasons, please see the page on Equipment Statuses.

To view reports on past and future Scheduled Planned Downtimes, see the Scheduled Downtime Report.

Validation Rules

Please keep the following rules in mind:

  • The End Date/Time cannot be equal to or BEFORE the Start Date/Time.
  • The End Date/Time cannot be set to the PAST.
  • Two scheduled planned downtimes cannot overlap for the same piece of equipment.

After creating the Scheduled Planned Downtime, you will see it in the Scheduled Downtimes grid.

This grid will show you the Start date/time, End date/time, the description, equipment and the Planned Downtime type.

The Equipment column will indicate which equipment you have chosen.

  • If only one piece of equipment is assigned – you will see the NAME of the equipment.
  • If more than one, but not all pieces of equipment are assigned – you will see it labeled as MULTIPLE EQUIPMENT.
  • If All Equipment is selected and the Dynamically Add New Equipment box is checked, it will be labeled as ALL EQUIPMENT.

*When the scheduled downtime is past the scheduled END time, the Scheduled Planned Downtime will disappear from the field.

To the right, you will see the list of all the equipment.

You can choose one or multiple pieces of equipment.

If the Dynamically Add New Equipment box is checked, this will automatically schedule downtime for new equipment that has been created after a Scheduled Planned Downtime has already been scheduled.

The Modify button will allow you to make any changes needed to the selected row.

The Remove button will delete the selected Scheduled Planned Downtime.


There are three variables to be used with expressions:

  • [PCSDB.scheduled_planned_downtime_code] – The currently active scheduled planned downtime identifier, such as 201 or 202.
  • [PCSDB.prev_scheduled_planned_downtime_code] – The identifier of the scheduled planned downtime that was active on the previous poll.
  • [PCSDB.in_scheduled_downtime] – This variable will hold a value of True if the equipment is currently in an active scheduled downtime.

Start Scheduled Planned Downtime Start Expression

To start and end a Scheduled Planned Downtime, you will need to use expressions.

If the expressions already exist in your account, then they just need to be assigned to the desired equipment. If the expressions do not already exist, they will need to be created.

Below are general start and end expressions to help guide you.

This expression will start a Scheduled Planned Downtime.

([PCSDB.general_equipment_status] = [PCSDB.UNKNOWN_DOWNTIME]) AND ([PCSDB.in_scheduled_downtime] = True)

The result of the start expression will send a Scheduled Planned Downtime start to the database with the planned downtime code:

[PCSDB.send_planned_DT_start] {[PCSDB.scheduled_planned_downtime_code]}

Scheduled Planned Downtime end expression

([PCSDB.in_scheduled_downtime] = False) AND (([PCSDB.current_pdt_status_code] = [PCSDB.prev_scheduled_planned_downtime_code]) OR ([PCSDB.current_pdt_status_code] = [PCSDB.scheduled_planned_downtime_code]))

With the result:

[PCSDB.send_planned_DT_end] {[PCSDB.current_pdt_status_code]}

There is also the [PCSDB.in_scheduled_downtime] variable which will either be True or False.

This will become true if a Scheduled Planned Downtime is currently active and can be used in conjunction with the Email or Teams targets to send out notifications.

([PCSDB.in_scheduled_downtime] =True) AND ([PCSDB.general_equipment_status] != [PCSDB.UNKNOWN_DOWNTIME])

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