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Sending an Email When the DataXchange Service is Disconnected

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Network issues can sometimes prevent the DataXchange service from contacting the server. This does not prevent data collection from machines, but it can lead to delays in the data getting uploaded to Charts, Reports, and Real Time Views. It is possible to configure an email notification to be sent when the server does not detect any activity from the service for some time, usually about 5 minutes.

Notification Setup

This notification is set up in the same manner as any other and requires permission to modify Messaging Template Assignments.

Within the DataXchange Windows Application, go to the DataXchange tab. Select Messaging → Assignments.

Click Add to create a new Assignment. Enter a Name for the Assignment you are creating. Select the DX Service Communication Stopped template. Note the text of this Template is fixed and cannot be edited.

Select the Users who should receive this email. Recommended users are DataXchange Administrators and IT people who might be able to resolve the problem.

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