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Web Based Onboarding

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The Data Display application includes an automated workflow for new users to set up accounts when no Equipment has been defined in DataXchange. Note that this setup can only be completed by users with the appropriate permissions.

Onboarding Workflow

The first step suggested to the user is to install the DataXchange Service if one has not yet been created. If a Service already exists, the system will proceed to step two upon login.

Step Two is to create a plant. A form to add a new plant is displayed, and once it is filled out and submitted the next step will be to add the information needed to add a new machine.

Step Three is to select the Licenses and Features that will be used for this machine. Select a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum license from the list. Then enable any additional Features that the machine will use. If no licenses are available, it is not possible to proceed.

Step Four is to add information for the first machine to add to DataXchange. Enter a Name for the machine, then select the Make, Model, and Control Type. This information is required. If the machine being added is not shown, it can be typed in manually. Click the Confirm button and accept the message shown to save any custom information.

The last step is to enter the connection information for the machine. Specifically the IP Address and Port Number are entered here. Depending on the Control Type selected earlier, a default port number will be entered. If the port is different from the default, click the Edit button to change it.

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