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Subtracting Good Parts When Adding Scrap

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In some cases a good part will need to be removed from the record count. Within the DataXchange system if a part is created it is assumed to be a good part. This can become a problem if an issue is found with the part during the quality review process and the part is scrapped. Now there is a record in the DataXchange system indicating that there was a good part made when it was actually scrapped out. One way to ensure the part counts stay accurate is to change the system so anytime a Scrap Part is added it removes a good part from the total. Following the instructions below will guide you in configuring DataXchange to remove a good part anytime a scrap part is added.

First, You will need to create or add an expression that will add scrap parts:

([] = [PCSDB.PCI_add_scrap_part]{data.any})

With the target set to Scytec PCS Database and a result of:

[PCSDB.send_add_scrap_part] {{data.specific}}

A second, identical expression will be used to detect the addition of scrap. However, for this expression the result will subtract good parts:

([] = [PCSDB.PCI_add_scrap_part]{data.any})

With the target set to Scytec PCS Database and a result of:

[PCSDB.send_subtract_good_part] {{data.specific}}

Once these two expressions are created and added to the machine, they will add scrap parts and remove good parts as the quantity entered.

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