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Summary Charts

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The Summary charts display the percentage of time that each piece of equipment has been in each status for the time frame selected. The Equipment can be selected by User GroupsCompany Groups, or individual Equipment. Shifts or Shift Groups can also be selected.  When displaying the result the statuses can be shown for individual equipment or by the selected group type.

Required and Optional Information

A time frame and one or more pieces of equipment are required to generate these charts. Once the equipment has been selected the Finish and Next buttons become available. At this point the chart can be generated without specifying any additional information by pressing the Finish button. Additional optional information can be selected by pressing the Next button.

The second page of the filter can be used to select the type of statuses to be compared. By default the General status is selected. This section also allows you to filter by part number and work order if desired.

General and Specific Status

For the Cycle status either general status, all specific statuses, or a single specific status can be selected. As an example, let’s assume there are two specific statuses in use, Machine Time and Spindle time. Machine Time has been setup to be active any time the equipment is running. Spindle Time has been setup be active only when there is a load on the spindle. By selecting Machine Time as the specific status the comparison chart will utilize the appropriate amount of time as the cycle time and therefore providing different results for the percentage of time the equipment has been in cycle.

For Planned and Unplanned Downtime either the General Status only or the Specific Statuses can be viewed.

Equipment Status Summary

The Equipment Status Summary chart displays the percentage of time equipment has spent in each of the statuses it was in during the selected time frame.

Summary Per Period Chart

The Summary Per Period chart displays the percentage of time that each piece of equipment has been in each status for the time frame selected. Each summary bar on the chart represents either a day or a week for a single piece of equipment.

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