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Status Relay Controller with Ethernet

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The Status Relay Controller with Ethernet (SRCE) is a mini PLC programmed to work with DataXchange. The SRCE is very similar to the traditional SRC but with a built-in Ethernet port which removes the dependency on RS-232 allowing for additional capabilities as more data is able to be transferred in a single polling cycle. The SRCE also has a different set of inputs and outputs.

The Standard SRCE has four 24-volt digital inputs, four relay digital outputs, and four 4-20 mA analog inputs.

The Extended SRCE has two modules. One module has eight additional 24-volt digital inputs. There are two options for the second module, one of which adds four 4-20 mA analog inputs while the other adds four 0-10 v analog inputs.

All of the digital inputs can be configured as a simple High or Low voltage detector, detect alternating behavior, Latch on High, or used as a Counter.

SRCE Standard Configuration

The SRCE settings can be configured within DataXchange and are stored in the cloud, allowing configuration to be done from anywhere the DataXchange client is installed. When settings are changed, the next time the DX Service can reach the SRCE it will send the updated settings to the SRCE.

Note: It is recommended to assign basic SRCE expressions, such as connectivity, to the machine prior to configuring the SRCE Communication settings.

These settings are configured from the DataXchange tab. Click a piece of equipment on the left and select Communication in the ribbon bar. If an SRCE is already configured, click on its row in the list and then click Modify to view and change the settings. To configure a new SRCE click Add. Select Scytec SRC Ethernet and click Enter.

First, enter the Host name and Port of the SRCE. Then configure the various inputs according to your monitoring needs.

Note: The default SRCE port is 502, so ensure this port is open on the network between the DX Service and the SRCE.

The SRCE Standard Properties section allows configuration of any of the inputs in the Standard SRCE. The default setting for digital inputs is Status with Alternating and a Delay of 3 seconds. Available functions are explained below.

Digital Input Settings (DI1 – DI4)

  • Status with Alternating: The input can be in one of three states. High (energized), Low (not energized), or Alternating between the two states. If this is selected, an Alternating Delay must be entered.
    • Alternating Delay: The number of seconds which define the Alternating state. If the input is changing states faster than this value, it is considered Alternating.
  • Status without Alternating: The input can be in one of two states. High (energized) or Low (not energized).
  • Status with Latch: When the input is energized, it will stay On until it is polled by the DX Service. This is useful for situations where the SRCE will receive a very short pulse from the machine.
  • Counter: The number of times the input is energized is counted by the SRCE then sent and reset when it is polled by DataXchange. This results in an integer value.

Analog Input Settings (AD1 – AD4)

Analog signals may vary so choose the settings that will work best for your machine. Data received is scaled based on the entered values.

  • Scaled Range: Min: The value DataXchange will use when the analog input is at the minimum signal value.
  • Scaled Range: Max: The value DataXchange will use when the analog input is at the maximum signal value.

SRCE Extended Configuration

These settings are only useful used in conjunction with an Extended SRCE module. The following Digital Inputs require the digital module and the following Analog Inputs require the analog module.

  • Extended Digital Inputs 1-8: These are configured similarly to Digital Inputs X1-X4 on the Standard SRCE. Select a Function and enter an Alternating Delay if Status with Alternating is selected.
  • Extended Analog Inputs CH1-CH4:
    • Input Type: Select the analog Input Type that matches the extended analog module connected to the SRCE. Choose from 4 mA – 20 mA or 0 v – 10 v.
    • Scaled Range: Min and Scaled Range: Max: Enter the range of values for DataXchange to interpret from the analog inputs.

SRCE Custom Variables

The SRCE supports custom variables, allowing a wide variety of additional PLC modules to be used with a Gold licensed machine. First, SRCE custom variables will need to be created under Variable → SRCE. Once the variables have been created, return to the Communication screen to complete the configuration. To use this functionality you will need to know the Modbus address of the input as well as the function and data type. Enter the address in the in the SRCE Address field. For digital custom variables select a function of Read Coils or Read Discrete Inputs. The data type for digital custom variables will always be Bit. Note than alternating, latching, and counter functionality are not available for custom variables.

For analog custom variables, enter the Modbus address and select a function of either Read Holding Registers or Read Input Registers. Select the data type corresponding to the data that will be provided at that address. For Float values, optionally enter the Input Range: Min and Max, which are the range of incoming values for the analog input. The Scaled Range: Min and Max are the ranges DataXchange will interpret from the input and use in expressions. If no ranges are provided, the data will be used exactly as it is received from the device.

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