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SMTP Settings

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DataXchange has the built in capability to send email. Enabling this feature will use an external SMTP server rather than the default capability provided by DataXchange. When SMTP Settings are disabled the DataXchange built in SMTP will be activated.

SMTP SettingsThis is where SMTP can be enabled or disabled. When disabled the DataXchange SMTP will be provided by default.
HostThis is where you will enter the SMTP Host. 
PortCommon ports are 25, 465, 587.
Email FromThis is the user that that the email will be generated from and the name that will appear in the "from:" field.
User NameThis is where you enter the login for the SMTP account.
PasswordThe password for the User Name (above) the email is generated from.
SSLEnable or disable Secure Sockets Layer - a secure way of providing authentication and encryption.

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