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Part Count Charts

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Part Counts

The Part Counts chart displays the amount of good parts that have been recorded for the selected equipment for the selected time frame. The Equipment can be selected by User GroupsCompany Groups, or individual Equipment. When displaying the results the chart can be displayed By Equipment, By Equipment Groups, or By Part Number.

Required and Optional Information

To generate Part Count Charts a time frame and one or more pieces of equipment must be selected. By default, Today is selected for the time frame. Once the equipment has been selected the Finish button will become available. There is no additional information to specify, so the Next button will remain grayed out.

Example Part Counts Charts

An example when selecting a Display Grouping of By Equipment.
An example when selecting a Display Grouping of By Part Number.

Part Count Per Day Per Shift

The Part Count Per Day Per Shift chart displays the amount of good parts recorded for the selected equipment and shift over the chosen time frame. Select a shift to view further detail about the parts created during that specific shift. If a shift is not selected all part counts will be grouped by day. When displaying the results, the chart can be displayed as a Line Chart or Bar Chart by clicking the Next button. The second page also contains an option to show or hide an Average part count line.

Sample Charts

An example when selecting Display By Line Chart.
An example when selecting Display By Bar Chart.

Note that the bar chart is a stacked bar chart and will show the values for each shift along with the sum for all shift for the day.
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