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Moxa NPort Settings for an SRC

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A Moxa NPort can be used as the RS-232 to Ethernet converter for the SRC.  A few settings needs to be set in order to communicate with the SRC.  Note that this document does not cover connecting to the Moxa to the network.  Based on the model of the NPort the actual NPort interface may differ from the sample screenshots.

Operation Mode

The NPort will act as a TCP Server for the SRC.  The Operation mode must be set to TCP Server.  Note the TCP Port as that is the port number that will need to be used in DataXchange.

Communication Parameters

The following communication parameters must be set.

  • Baud Rate: 9600
  • Parity: None
  • Data bit: 8
  • Stop bit: 1
  • Flow control: RTS/CTS
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