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Modify Collected Data

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The ability to modify data that has been previously collected is an administrative function allowing previously collected data to be adjusted in the event that the data was not collected appropriately. An example of this is if a machine stopped running but a user forgot to enter the downtime reason. This downtime can be adjusted from Unknown Downtime to the appropriate downtime code.



Modify Equipment Status

The Modify Collected Data interface can be accessed with appropriate permissions on the DataXchange tab. Select Modify under Data, then click Equipment Status. Select a Plant to view the associated Equipment. Choose a machine from the Equipment pick list and then the Date and Time of the data to be evaluated should be selected. Pressing the Get Data button will retrieve and display the collected data and the time line chart with the specific statuses will be displayed for reference purposes. It is possible to select multiple data points by using the standard windows multi selection option shortcut keys. You can use the Shift key on your keyboard to select a range of data or the Control key to select multiple data points. Note, once multiple data points have been selected it is only possible to delete the data.

The notes that are left by an operator can also be modified. If something was not correct with that statement or needed to be modified, make the necessary corrections and click the Enter button when finished.

All modifications made through this screen are recorded and can be viewing using the Modified Data Report which is available on the Reports tab.

More detailed information on modifying equipment status data can be found here.

Modify Data for Work Orders

This function will allow you to review and edit data and part counts for a specific work order and operation. When adding a new record, this will update the work order good and scrap part counts and update the Last Confirmed Time.

Under the DataXchange tab, click the Modify drop down and select Work Orders Confirmed or Work Orders Status. Work Orders Confirmed allows modifications to Good and Scrap Part Count data. Work Orders Status allows changes to when a Work Order Operation started or stopped.

To the left, you will see a grid showing your work order number and part number. Select a work order and the operation associated with it to the right.

Once a work order and an operation are selected, you will need to choose a time frame for the data you want to review. After you have entered your time frame, click on the Get Data button.

If there is data to show, you will see the data available for review in the time frame you have chosen. Once you have highlighted the data to review, you will now be able to use the three buttons.

  • Add – This will allow you to add good and scrap part counts or changes in work order status.
  • Modify – This will allow you to modify the desired information. This includes the date, time, good or scrap part counts, or historical work order status.
  • Remove – This will remove the selected row.

These changes are permanent and cannot be undone. Please use caution when modifying work order data.

Changes to Work Order Operation data is restricted in the following ways:

  • The first record for the Operation cannot be Inactive or Closed.
  • Work Order Operation events cannot be added during the time period a Part Number only was active.
  • An Operation cannot be made Inactive after the Operation is Closed.
  • A Closed record can only be added as the most recent record.
  • A Closed record cannot be modified unless it is the most recent record.

Note that if you are using this feature to modify an active work order and all data entries are removed, the ODI will show that no parts have been confirmed and there will be no date and time of “last confirmed” displayed.

Changes to part counts will be reflected on the active work order in the Confirm section of the ODI. Changes to the most recent work order operation are not currently reflected in the ODI.

Modify Part Number Status

The Modify → Part Number Status form allows changes to which part numbers were active and when they were active for a piece of equipment.

To begin, select a piece of Equipment at the top of the screen. Enter the timeframe for which you would like to view and edit status. Click Add to add a new record. Enter a date, time, Part Number, and status of either Active or Inactive. The timestamp for the new record must be within the selected timeframe. Activating a part number must be followed by deactivating the same part number, no other record can follow an activation. Likewise, a part number cannot be deactivated without first being activated.

When adding a record in between previous parts records, a corresponding record will also be added to maintain consistency within the list. This means if you activate a new part between records already in the list, a record will also be added inactivating the record shortly afterward. The timestamp of this automatically added record can then be modified as desired.

To modify a record, select it in the list and click Modify. Note that only the timestamp may be changed for an existing record. The new timestamp must be within the timeframe selected and cannot be moved to before or after the previous or next part number record.

To remove a record, select the record in the list and click Remove. If you are removing a record that is not the most recent, the corresponding next or previous record will also be removed. This means if you remove an Active record, the next Inactive record in the list will be removed as well. If you remove an Inactive record from the list, the previous Active record will also be removed unless you are removing the most recent record.

A next to a record indicates the part number status was changed due to activating or inactivating a Work Order. These records cannot be changed from this screen. If the most recent status change was an activation from a Work Order, the part number cannot be inactivated from this screen. When adding new records, a part number status change cannot be placed during the timeframe when a work order part number was active.

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